Sunday, March 29, 2015

All Rivers are born in the Ocean

Sunday March 22 2Ol5

The big ECLIPSE has passed
but nothing big has happened
as desired
as expected,
or as feared.
Only, my cell phone broke
that is all.
It still works normally.
Just the glass cracked.
I guess that would be big
for someone else,
but it isn’t for me.
Rarely, anyone ever calls me.
Maybe strangers, once a while,
requesting money or blood.
Caller ID,
its best feature,
drives me to avoid
all calls.

The phone fell at the
parking lot
while i mostly fixed my car’s
stop lights.

Later on, in another parking lot,
I was among other few
people wishfully
fixing their cars,
regardless of
having posted a sign
prohibiting the action.

A black man asked me
for a couple of simple favors.
For a minute or two,
it made me feel alive
the fact that I was
willing to oblige.

...I don’t remember if
I slept home that night...

Now, thinking of it,
it makes me remember,
I don’t know why,
that once i was at a town
in the mountains of Maryland
with a good friend.
We had just come back from Spruce Knob
and needed a place to sleep.

The same family seemed
to own all hotels in that town.
I saw poor people sitting at
just to use the internet.
They paid for their presence
by buying cheap soda,
taking it as medicine to
numb onerous odds
with bad habit and
Everybody knew their game,
nobody cared.
It is always like this
in games in which
everybody loses.

When everybody know well each other,
some level of chosen ignorance
helps a lot to preserve
order and peace.

When you live
in a town like that,
is a line of scape.
It is not like you can just
wake up one day
and walk off.
One, most of the times,
chose to not wake up.
Internet is always
cheaper than drugs,
even though, not
always safer,
most of time,
less fun.

Poverty, isolation,
lack of hope;
the perfect brewing conditions
that makes one
want to buy guns, burn crosses and hang others.
Take revenge on the innocent.
Let the guilty go free
because the guilty
is rich, stronger
and, mainly, better looking
than us.

A lamb is easier to kill than a lion. 
Kill the lamb, then,
At least, we get to kill something. 
The freshness of blood
may quench the thirst
of this fire.
At this point, 
any blood
will do
but better other’s than ours.
...Bring some butter...

I think of this while
a crow craws
the first morning 
of the spring,
a blue sky,
and mice
walk cozily
in the warmth
of my ceiling.

The landlord knows
they are there.
But not knowing what do,
he pretends to do things,
but actually does nothing.
That sometimes
requires more skills
than actually
doing something.
The mice are thankful.

My girlfriend
is still asleep.
And the pills
that I don’t want her
to know I take
remain hidden.

She wakes
and walks by,
but don’t see
the last sentence
I wrote.

Monday March 23 2Ol5

One of the best gifts
that one has ever given me
was she who gave me:
a box of plastic tooth picks.
I like them so much
that I often refuse
to throw some of them away.
I wash it with tenderness
and reuse it,
sometimes, more than once.

Once, I watched someone
say that teeth have to do with Saturn.
Therefore, if you treat your teeth well
Saturn will be pleased
and rain blessings upon you.

Maybe, that has something to do
with the pleasure I find on cleaning
my teeth with the toothpicks
that my beloved gave to me.
And, it is easier
than flossing.

I floss too, however.
However, only once a day
as the instructions I found
in a
Men’s Health
No more, than that is needed,
said the instructions.

The bacteria that affect the teeth
take about 24 hours to grow.
Therefore, one needs flossing
only once a day.

I have a broken tooth.
It is repaired now.
For a long time,
it wasn’t.
But it is now.
That is the only
interesting thing
to has ever been 
broken in my body.
Interestingly, though,
a lot of things
that belong to me
have been breaking

That takes a toll
after a while.
Through breaking things,
little by little,
the breaking gets
to one’s spirit.

If you cut, one by one,
the tentacles of a squ-Id,
eventually, it
will bleed out of life
or the
will to live.

Tuesday March.24.2Ol5

Unlike a shark’s mouth,
fishing nets
look comfy.
Morning and night,
the grasp of two beasts,
fighting for my flesh,
my body, my meat.
This is the first time
in a long time
that anybody,
or anything,
for this matter,
fights for me.

I find myself stuck
between hooks and
teeth of beings
that aren’t even hungry,
but very greedy.
Greed is the standard
and default
in Nature.
Havoc by habit.

Hooks, teeth, bad
pillows, dull shaving
razors, junk food,
junk e-mails,
junk files,
just junk.
Masticated, regurgitated
by night and day.
Nights full of nightmares.
Days empty of dreams.

Friday March.27.2Ol5

In the shade
of this garden,
full of beetles,
I choose insanity
to not go insane.
I let go of
the strength shirt
and embrace vulnerability.
I am naked,
I am nature.
Kind like Whitman
but without the

I don’t even like children.
They have
     too much hope
     too much time
     too much happiness
     too much to like about.

banana, salt and orange juice

The eightfold path
folding eight times
just like
the tempting
of an octopus.
Dieneces said it well,
it is better
to fight
in the shade.
“Oh what joy
for every girl and boy
Knowing they’re happy
and they’re safe.”

Saturday March.28.2Ol5

Once, I saw
how octopuses
are caught, on TV
- Somewhere street
Empty vases
are thrown in
the sea.
Octopuses take them
for a refuge
just to get trapped.
It makes me think
of 2 Samuel 22:3
“God is my rock,
in whom I take refuge”.
A man
carried one
of them
out of the water
and hit
the creature
5O counted times
against a rock
to make it
soft for eating.
(Not the stone,
the octopus.)
It made me think
of 2 Samuel 22:3
“God is my rock,
in whom I take refuge”.

Is their an human obsession
with such creatures?
Tentacle pornography
Giant squid sinking ships
All I know is:
 I have already finished my
2O,OOO leagues under the sea.

Sunday March.29.2Ol5

So much time
so many times
exploring options,
tempting tentacles,
like an oyster
in the search
of a pearl
finding that
the source of
all rivers
is in the

Tuesday March.3O.2Ol5

river, river, river
teach me what you know
how to not be thirsty
how to feed life
wherever you go
the gravity of
small things
not fighting
the bigger gravity,
being in the flow,
Teach me how
to caress
all matters
into nothing
turning mountains
into valleys
Stones into
and if
you don’t
even reach
the ocean
it does not matter
because you
and the ocean
are the same matter
no matter how far
no matter the appearances

[ To be continued - Keep on checking }

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